Taking Care of Your Body: A Q&A with Syd and Cori on Posture, Self-Care, and Empowerment for the Queer Community

We believe that taking care of your body is key to living your best life. That’s why we’ve created this Q&A series to dive into topics that matter most to our community. Today, we’re thrilled to introduce our new massage therapist, Cori Radicke, who specializes in fascia massage. Cori and Dr. Syd Young, owner and physical therapist at OutWellness, sat down for a chat to talk about posture, self-care, and why these topics are so important, especially within the queer community. This conversation is packed with tips and insights to help you feel empowered in your wellness journey. Let’s jump into their conversation!

Syd: Hey, Cori! I’m so excited we get to chat today. How’s it going?

Cori: Hey, Syd! I’m just as pumped for this! My day’s been good so far. How about yours?

Syd: Oh, you know, the usual – helping people stand a little straighter, stretch a little further. Already got my workout in, so I’m ready for this chat! What about you?

Cori: Same here! Actually had a client this morning who swore they “pulled something” just by sitting at their desk. It’s funny how often people think they’ve done something drastic when it’s really just that daily wear and tear.

Syd: I know, right? It’s wild how much posture plays into everything. That’s exactly why we’re doing this! We were just talking about how important it is to demystify these topics for our community. So, let’s dive in. Care to kick things off, Cor?

Cori: Sure thing! Posture is such a buzzword, but people rarely understand how much it impacts their daily lives. When clients come into my massage room, they usually think they messed up something with one movement, when really it’s often due to long-term, systemic issues. It’s usually caused by underusing certain muscles and over-strengthening others. We’re sitting way too much these days!

“Queer people deserve to be happy, healthy, thriving, and taken care of.” – Cori Radicke

Syd: Oh, tell me about it. Our bodies were NOT made to be hunched over laptops all day. Have you ever seen a caveman with forward head posture? 

Cori: Absolutely not! And the thing is, people don’t realize that poor posture isn’t a one-time mistake; it’s years of little habits adding up. It’s like a full-time job for your body to keep things balanced!

Syd: Right? And then we get clients saying, “I sit at my desk eight to ten hours a day, and now my neck and shoulders hurt.” Yep, welcome to the club! So, what do you usually tell clients when they come in with that forward head and rounded shoulders issue?

Cori: Oh, it’s definitely a common conversation. I like to explain that for every inch your head goes forward, it’s like adding 10 pounds of pressure on your cervical spine and muscles. Most people have no clue that sitting poorly is like carrying a bowling ball around all day. My advice usually revolves around strengthening specific muscles and mobilizing areas to improve movement. But, it really takes a professional to guide you through the right process. Otherwise, you might make things worse!

Syd: Totally! And hey, it’s not about needing to see someone forever. It’s just about understanding where the pain is coming from and what you need to do to fix it. I always tell people to set a timer every hour or so, stand up, do a quick lap around your chair, and reset.

“The best posture is really just the next one you switch to.”
– Dr. Syd Young

Cori: Yeah, totally. Mindfulness is such a big part of this. I always tell clients to think about dropping their traps, keeping their elbows low, and imagining a string pulling their head up to the ceiling. Just that little bit of awareness throughout the day can make a huge difference.

Syd: And speaking of mindfulness, this whole work-from-home situation has really messed up people’s desk setups. I’ve seen clients working from beds, dining tables, barstools – basically, anywhere but an actual desk!

Cori: Ugh, I know! But hey, as long as they mix it up, it’s not the end of the world. Sometimes, I even recommend lying down while working for a bit to relieve shoulder pressure. Not forever, of course! It’s about changing things up, not finding one “perfect” posture.

Syd: So true! And it’s not just the neck and shoulders. I’ve had a lot of clients complaining about hip and low back pain from their makeshift workspaces. We’ve been used to office ergonomics for so long, and now it’s like the Wild West for work setups.

Cori: And that brings us to a really important topic: self-care in the queer community. Taking care of yourself and feeling like you deserve that care is essential, especially for queer folks who might have internalized feelings of unworthiness.

Syd: Yes! I mean, I grew up in a super supportive household, but even then, I didn’t meet another queer person until college. So, even if you’re not dealing with shame, you still might feel ‘othered.’ It took me a long time to realize that queerness is normal and that I’m worthy of self-love and care.

Cori: Exactly! As queer people, we often deal with an extra layer of stress or insecurity. It’s so important to invest in self-care – not just the basics, but really go all out and find what makes you feel empowered.

Syd: Absolutely! I see it all the time with clients who are exploring their identities and figuring out how to take care of themselves. It’s so rewarding to see someone go from feeling unsure in a gym to confidently asking, “Can we use the barbell today?”

Cori: Right? That’s the best part of what we do. We’re here to give clients the tools they need to live their best lives, whether that’s through a great massage, learning proper posture, or finding the right movements that work for them.

Syd: And that’s why I’m so excited to have you on the team, Cori! Having a network of professionals who can work together is vital for holistic wellness. There’s too much gatekeeping in this industry. It’s about empowering our clients and sharing knowledge, not keeping them dependent on us.

Cori: Aww, thanks, Syd! I’m really happy to be here and to be part of this amazing community. Thanks for having me today, Syd.

Syd: Anytime! We’re definitely going to do more of these. Stay tuned, everyone, and take care of yourselves!




We hope you found some helpful tips on posture, self-care, and how to empower yourself on your wellness journey. Remember, taking care of your body is not just about fixing a specific issue; it’s about giving yourself the care you truly deserve.

We’re thrilled to welcome Cori Radicke to the OutWellness team as our new massage therapist specializing in fascia massage. If you’re looking to relieve tension, work on your posture, or simply treat yourself to some much-needed relaxation, Cori is here to help!

Ready to take that next step toward feeling great? Book your massage with Cori today! Head over to our Contact page to schedule your appointment and give your body the care it deserves. We can’t wait to see you in the massage room!


Stay tuned for more insightful conversations, and as always, take care of yourselves!


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