Your Checklist to Finding the Perfect Queer Gym

Alright, fitness warriors, let’s get down to business! Whether you’re a gym newbie or a seasoned pro scouting for a new sweat sanctuary, you’re in the right place. In this checklist, we’re cutting out the fluff and laying down the law on what makes a gym LGBTQ+ friendly and safe. No frills, no fuss – just straightforward criteria to help you find a gym where you can sweat without stress.

Be sure to print out this checklist and take it with you on your gym-hunting journey. Let’s find that perfect gym where you can feel respected, supported, and ready to crush those fitness goals!


uncheckedAssessing Gym Safety:

uncheckedLocated in a diverse and inclusive community.

uncheckedNo visible signs of discrimination or harassment.

uncheckedFeel comfortable and respected upon entering the gym.

uncheckedPhysical Environment:

uncheckedGym layout provides privacy and space during workouts.

uncheckedAtmosphere is inclusive and welcoming to all members.

uncheckedStaff members are trained in LGBTQ+ sensitivity and inclusivity, with visible allyship signage displayed.

uncheckedStaff Training and Policies:

uncheckedGym staff received training on LGBTQ+ inclusivity and sensitivity.

uncheckedClear policies in place regarding anti-discrimination and harassment.

uncheckedStaff members actively address and intervene in instances of discrimination or harassment.

uncheckedMembership and Community:

unchecked Gym offers LGBTQ+-specific programming or events.

uncheckedVisible LGBTQ+ members or staff within the gym community.

uncheckedOpportunities for LGBTQ+ individuals to connect and socialize within the gym environment.

uncheckedFeedback and Advocacy:

uncheckedMembers can provide feedback or suggestions for improving LGBTQ+ inclusivity.

uncheckedTransparent process for addressing concerns or incidents of discrimination.

uncheckedOpportunities for members to advocate for more inclusive policies or programming.

You made it, gym warriors! But guess what? Your fitness journey is just revving up. And hey, if you’re around Austin give OutWellness a holler. We’re all about LGBTQ+ affirming healthcare services, from building strength to trans-masc PT. Because you deserve to feel like a boss, inside and out.

Thanks for joining us on this no-nonsense quest for LGBTQ+ inclusive fitness. Now go ahead, find that gym where you can crush those goals, make gains, and slay the game – you’ve got this! 💪🌈

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