7 Questions to Ask When Choosing Your Trainer

Hey there! Thinking about stepping up your fitness game but feeling a bit overwhelmed about where to start? We totally get that. Finding the right trainer can make all the difference, and it’s super important to have someone who gets you and your unique needs. So, let’s chat about how to find that perfect match for your fitness journey.

What’s Your Training Philosophy?

Just like picking a new coffee spot, the vibe has to be right. Ask about their training philosophy to see if it matches what you’re looking for. Are they all about holistic wellness, or is it more about high-intensity workouts? Make sure their approach feels like a good fit for you.

  • Aligns with your goals: “I focus on building a sustainable fitness routine that adapts to your lifestyle and preferences.”
  • Might not align: “I train everyone the same way to maximize calorie burn and muscle gain.”

Have You Worked with Clients Like Me?

It’s comforting to know if they’ve successfully worked with people who share your body type or gender identity. It’s like knowing your best friend has recommended a book—they just know it’s right for you.

  • Inclusive experience: “I’ve worked with many clients across the LGBTQ+ spectrum and respect everyone’s individual journey.”
  • Less experience: “I haven’t really worked with anyone like you, but I’m willing to learn.”

What’s Your Coaching Style?

Are they the cheerleader type who’s all about positive vibes, or do they use tough love to motivate? It’s like choosing between a chill indie film or an action-packed blockbuster. What style will keep you engaged and motivated?

  • Supportive: “I believe in motivating through positive reinforcement and celebrating small victories.”
  • Not as encouraging: “I use strict rules and tough criticism to push clients to their limits.”

Do You Provide Nutrition Advice? (Follow-Up Question: Are you a certified nutritionist?)

If you’re looking to spice up your diet along with your workouts, see if they’re qualified to dish out nutrition advice. Think of it as choosing the right seasoning—good advice can really enhance your fitness recipe!

  • Qualified advice: “I’m a certified nutritionist and tailor dietary advice to each client’s specific needs.”
  • Supportive advice from a trainer who is not certified in nutrition: “Let me point you to a certified nutritionist who can help you!”
  • Generic advice: “I provide standard meal plans that everyone can use.”

Do You Collaborate with Other Healthcare Providers?

For a well-rounded approach to health, it’s great if your trainer can connect you with other affirming healthcare professionals. It’s like having a group of friends who all support each other—each bringing something special to the table.

  • Well-connected: “I work closely with other health professionals who share my commitment to inclusive care.”
  • Isolated approach: “I usually handle everything myself and don’t often refer out.”

How Do You Ensure Your Training Environment is Inclusive and Affirming?

Your comfort is key, so make sure they actively create a welcoming space. It’s like finding that perfect spot where you can relax and be yourself.

  • Actively inclusive: “I ensure that all my clients feel safe and respected by strictly enforcing a non-discrimination policy.”
  • Vague measures: “I try to be nice to everyone.”

What If We Aren’t a Good Fit?

Always good to know the exit strategy. If things aren’t clicking, how easy is it to switch things up? It’s important to feel like you can make a change if needed, without drama.

  • Flexible: “If you’re not satisfied, I’ll help you transition to another trainer who might be a better fit.”
  • Rigid: “You signed a contract, so you’ll need to stick it out for the duration.”

Wrapping It Up

Choosing the right trainer is like finding the perfect series; you want it to be engaging, supportive, and fun! Don’t be shy to ask these questions—after all, it’s all about making your fitness journey as awesome as possible. And remember, at OutWellness, we’re here to support you every step of the way. If you ever need more help, just give us a shout!

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